Slowly going back to normal – resurgence of commercial projects


Like everyone else, we also look forward to getting back to normal. The Covid-19 crisis has hit painters and decorators as much as everyone else, but recently there has been a lot of hope of a slow return to normalcy on the horizon. Along with the easing of the Covid restrictions and the planned opening of commercial and public facilities, orders for commercial painting and decorating began pouring in, which we are very happy about!


Quite busy and very happy

Recently, we have seen an increase in inquiries about commercial decorating in London. This is directly related to the easing of restrictions on Covid-19.

We are very happy about it because we can take part in the preparation of commercial spaces and offices for the upcoming return to normalcy. One example of such a project is the renovation of a hair salon in central London. While it was a decoration project of not the largest size, it provides us with great satisfaction – for two reasons.

Firstly, we believe a lot in small businesses, and take great pleasure in helping them succeed. Working for small and medium-sized enterprises in London as painters and decorators, we always do our best and ensure the highest quality of workmanship. We go the extra mile, advise the best solutions and make sure that the effects of our work last long and are as efficient as possible.

Secondly, we are very happy that small entrepreneurs can return to work and fulfil their professional ambitions and earn money. We know that successful businesses mean prosperity and jobs for many ordinary people, which is why this particular painting and decorating segment in London is very close to our hearts.

This decorating project concerned the renovation of a hairdresser salon. We were working on a very tight schedule, because as we all know, the restriction easing took effect on April 12, so the facility had to be renovated as soon as possible. To achieve this, we started working almost immediately after arranging the details with the owner. Thanks to this, we managed to finish shortly before April 12, and as of now, the hairdresser is fully operational in a freshly renovated salon.



Lifting Covid restrictions from April 12

From April 12, non-essential shops, hairdressers, gyms and outdoor hospitality resume their activities. The fact that England’s lockdown eases so significantly is for everyone the next step towards normality as we know it before the pandemic. We also hope that we will only continue in this direction from now on.

Great Britain is becoming safer, and that is very important. During the previous year, we advised our clients many times to postpone the painting and decorating of their objects if for some reason they were at risk or were simply concerned about their health. We made every effort to reduce the risk of virus transmission, and our contractors worked with the necessary protective equipment and regularly disinfected the surfaces they worked on.

As the percentage of the vaccinated population in the UK increases, we can finally begin to behave more freely in our daily life, but that does not mean that we allow ourselves to be more nonchalant when working for our clients. On the contrary, by wanting the United Kingdom to be increasingly secure, we are taking care to maintain all security measures – otherwise, we could face a return to the old restrictions.


If you need painters or decorators for your project in London, do not hesitate to contact us – we will do our best to ensure that you enjoy the highest quality of workmanship and safety at the same time.

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